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Primary School Collaborative Teaching


“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” - John Dewey

St. Raphael's Primary School, Ballyfermot D10

St Raphael’s Primary School was founded by the Dominican Sisters during the 1950’s. At first there were seven schools, and over time these have been amalgamated to three, St  Raphael’s, St. Gabriel’s and St Michael’s.Wherever you find Dominicans, you are likely to see the black and white, heart-shaped crest, surmounted by the motto, Veritas, and very often a star. Together they form a summary of the Dominican way. White, traditionally associated with the Risen Christ penetrates the darkness of ignorance and sin. The single word Veritas meaning Truth, sums up the aim of the Dominican Charism, to search for truth in all its forms. the school's educational vision is to look for and work towards developing the best quality of education possible in school.

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Summary of Primary School Teaching Practice

•Aim of our project: to create visual journal filled with personal art work through the exploration of print, paint and drawing.

•We decided to focus on the theme Family And Friends, Once Upon A Place 

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